Our Foundation
provides a way for the company and its professionals to support charitable organizations and programs that create significant, measurable impact aligned to the company’s Mission and Values in communities where we live and work.
Core Focus Areas
Grant Recipients
Matching Gifts
Employee Disaster Relief Fund
(click to explore)

Signature Programs
Reducing Inequalities
Humanitarian Aid
KC STEM Alliance
Greater Kansas City Science & Engineering Fair
Ardoch STEM Programs
(science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
STEM Education
A few of the organizations supported by the Black & Veatch Foundation:
STEM Programs
Core focus areas and major funding priorities
Black & Veatch’s 2023 core focus areas closely align with the U.N. Sustainable Development goals.
Click on the icons to learn more
UNICEF Syria and Turkey Earthquake Relief
Ukrainian Foundation
Doctors without Borders
A few of the organizations supported by the Black & Veatch Foundation:
in global disasters, for people in need
Humanitarian Aid
United Way
Christmas In October
Engineers Without Borders
Water for People
A few of the organizations supported by the Black & Veatch Foundation:
where BV has a longstanding relationship
and engagement of our professionals
Signature Programs
Pratthanadee Foundation
Cultivate KC
Boys & Girls Club
A few of the organizations supported by the Black & Veatch Foundation:
empowering marginalized groups to support progress on diversity, equity and inclusion
Reducing Inequalities
Human Trafficking
Veronica's Voice
International Justice Mission
A few of the organizations supported by the Black & Veatch Foundation:
empowering marginalized groups to support progress on diversity, equity and inclusion
Reducing Inequalities

2023 Accomplishments:
$1.5 million in matching gifts, hardship fund support and grants
Awarded 105 grants
Surpassed $29 million in total giving to the United Way
Core Focus Areas
Grant Recipients
Matching Gifts
Employee Disaster Relief Fund
2023 Matching Gifts and Employee Disaster Relief Fund
Open to all U.S. professionals, the Black & Veatch Matching Gifts Program gives our employee owners the opportunity to have their charitable donations matched by the Foundation, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $300. In 2023, BV matched:
Previous years BV matched:
2022: 541 gifts totaling $73,719
2021: 364 gifts totaling $56,384
Matching gifts
gifts totaling
Employee Disaster Relief Fund
have benefited since the program began totaling
Professionals from Chile, Thailand, Ukraine and the United States have received funds.
Organization with the most matching gifts
Average matching gift amount: $192
The Employee Disaster Relief Fund is open to current Black & Veatch professionals. It provides short-term financial assistance during emergencies or unexpected personal hardships caused by emergencies such as floods, tornadoes or other natural disasters, fires or explosions, significant medical situations, automobile or other accidents.
A group of volunteers from BV Indonesia, with the support of The Black & Veatch Foundation, and in partnership with AlunJiva, came together to help empower disabled members of their community by supporting their efforts at entrepreneurship.
Alunjiva, which means "big soul" in Sanskrit, is dedicated to promoting mental health and well-being in Indonesia. Alunjiva is committed to educating and supporting the nation's successors in achieving a superior Indonesian society. This includes providing training and therapy to children and persons with disabilities to develop their skills and promote inclusive education. Through their efforts, they aim to create a healthy society that eliminates stigmas against mental disorders and disabilities.
AlunJiva Indonesia
I have a business creating custom flower bouquets, said participant Dian Safitri. I was happy to attend this workshop and receive the training. Plus, I made lots of new friends.
I really appreciate AlunJiva and Black & Veatch for providing this opportunity, participant Dedeh Sugiarti said. I plan to put what I learned about digital marketing to use as I grow and expand my business into new markets.
Program Participants Dedeh Sugiarti and Dian Safitri
Veronica’s Voice
Black & Veatch has made it our philanthropic focus to aid in ending human trafficking. One of the organizations BV has partnered with in this effort is Veronica’s Voice, a non-profit organization that fights human trafficking. BV volunteers renovated a building for the organization to create safe, secure transitional housing for victims of human trafficking. The initial work was completed in the Fall of 2023, but BV has continued to work with the organization to keep the space functioning and safe by completing additional projects like the replacement of the HVAC system.
Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS)
Black & Veatch and CAPS have partnered since its founding in 2009. Since then, Black & Veatch professionals have connected with the next generation of industry leaders by mentoring and guest speaking. CAPS students have finished business, HR, engineering and media projects for the global Black & Veatch brand.
As the inaugural CAPS Network Engineering Champion, Black & Veatch is at the forefront of the future of education and employment.
The CAPS Network is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization focused on paving the education-to-employment path through profession-based learning. Programs that affiliate with the CAPS Network share best practices and connections with professional partners, postsecondary institutions, teachers and students.
Corey Mohn, President & Executive Director, CAPS Network
Christmas In October
Black & Veatch professionals have been involved with Christmas In October since it began in 1983 and has refurbished more than 700 homes for the organization. In 2023, 225 BV professionals and family members volunteered to refurbish 17 homes located all around Kansas City.
Christmas In October’s mission is to bring volunteers and communities together to improve the homes, living conditions and neighborhoods of low-income elderly, Veteran and disabled homeowners, at no cost to them, so they may live in safety, warmth and dignity.
Brent Burger BV Senior Vice President, Renewables Project Director
Foundation Stories
Click on the images to explore
We bought this building so we could have a central location where women could come and receive services. Having this space will allow us to expand and meet the needs of so many - and it's going to be great.
Kristy Childs, Founder & President, Veronica’s Voice
Black & Veatch professionals have stepped up to Build a World of Difference right here in our community for four decades through Christmas in October. It is a great way for our colleagues to work side-by-side to help our less-fortunate neighbors improve their homes and lives.
Partnership with Black & Veatch is driving a deeper level of corporate support than we have ever seen. The connection of professional engineers to high school students, providing authentic projects, mentoring and other opportunities to collaborate is a game changer. We are thrilled to continue driving our next gen education with an inaugural champion like Black & Veatch.