The Arctic houses the earth’s North Pole, while 5.4-million-square-mile Antarctica contains the South Pole. Ice on both is melting rapidly. In fact, Antarctica’s melting ice sheet makes up about 25% of the current sea-level rise, while Arctic sea ice is decreasing nearly 13% each decade.
Today and every day, take care of the earth in big and small ways.
Earth Day!
Burning fossil fuels to generate power releases carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere, where it’s linked to extreme weather and record temperatures. Cleaner sources like renewables – for example, solar and wind energy – now account for nearly 30% of the world’s electricity.
More than one-fifth of the earth’s total land space is desert, and that’s growing. Each year, almost 46,000 square miles becomes desert due to rapid urbanization and deforestation, both of which reduce rainfall and make desert of dry land.
The world has just over three trillion trees, but 27,000 are cut down each day – 9.8 million trees annually – to make toilet paper. Recycling makes a difference. In fact, paper can be recycled up to six times, and one recycled edition of a major daily newspaper can save 75,000 trees.
Black & Veatch takes care of the earth every day by building a world of difference through innovation in sustainable infrastructure. Learn more about how we support global sustainability with commitments to environmental stewardship, social progress and good governance.
About 71% of the earth is water, with nearly 97% found in the earth’s oceans. The rest is in rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice caps and other water bodies. Only 1% of the earth’s water is safe to drink, and public water suppliers process 38 billion gallons each day.
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